1. My name is Belma.
2. I was born November 28th, 1985.
3. I was born in Derventa and raised everywhere.
4. I left home kind of young.
5. I wish I could move back to Tempe.
6. I have no pets of my own.
7. I have no kids.
8. I am sort of spoken for.
9. I am untidy.
10. I had a hate/love- relationship towards high school.
11. I don't like feet.
12. I am not in a hurry to get married or have children.
13. I am no longer waiting for the right person... I've realized they're as real as Santa.
14. I have a hard time falling asleep on my back, and perfer the flamingo-position when sleeping.
15. I confess: I like to blog.
16. I'm considering getting pierced right as I type this.
17. I love to discuss politics and religion with pretty much anyone.
18. I love my mommy.
19. I can flare my nostrils. On command and to annoy.
20. I can roll my tongue.
21. I am a recovering Diamond Mine- junky.
22. I was thinking at one time to get my lower lip pierced.
23. I love beer.
24. I can't drink vodka without watering it down with soda or other stuff.
25. I'm not allergic to anything, sensitive to nickel.
26. I still have my tonsils.
27. I can speak 6 languages.
28. I chew food on both sides of my mouth pretty equally.
29. I rarely tie my shoes.
30. My favorite color is pink.
31. You'd be surprised at how many credit hours I have from these few years of college I've attended.
32. I have a hard time dealing with people who can't spell.
33. I love to sing. But I sort of suck at it, I've been told.
34. I love to dance. I'm white, you figure that one out.
35. I’m addicted to the Internet.
36. I can't stand it when people say they don't like to read.
37. I'm pretty opinionated.
38. I love kissing.
39. I love Fanta and Cherry Coke.
40. I hate my current educations.
41. I want to learn to play the violin.
42. I am 5′11″.
43. I hate animated ads.
44. I am comfortable with the way I look.
45. I want to learn to play the guitar.
46. I wear a size 9 shoe.
47. I love the way the veins in many guys arms look like they're gonna pop out. I think that's sort of masculine.
48. I continually have a song running through my head.
49. I'd never admit to being a smoker.
50. I'm pretty forgetful.
51. If I could date any celebrity, it would be Adam Goldberg.
52. I've made out with more chicks than I can count.
53. I LOVE tattoos and plan to get a whole hell of alot more than the ones I have now.
54. I am bossy, but I mean well.
55. I like cool highlighters.
56. My parents are awesome.
57. My brother is pretty darn awsome too (:
58. I like to make my bed just before I go to bed.
59. I dream of being a star.
60. My hair is naturally curly.
61. I think the word panties is pretty funny.
62. Big boobs are awsome.
63. I love Spongebob Squarepants.
64. I can't stand to go a day without watching cartoons.
65. I'm impatient.
66. I'm slowly becoming a total couch-potatoe.
67. Until this past summer I thought I was a partyanimal.
68. My favorite flower is gerbera.
69. I love flowery scents. Anything that smells pink.
70. I’m a Family Guy fanatic, probably the biggest fan ever.
71. I don't have a favorite song overall. It changes just about every hour.
72. My first car was a 2000 something Nissan Micra.
73. I love reading. Anything. Even labels.
74. I am jealous of toys today. I wish they made cool stuff like that when I was a kid.
75. I call just about everyone doll or dollface.
76. My first job was in a bag/glove-store, when I was 14. Stayed there for three years.
77. I am not a flirt. Unfortunately. I am stuck up because I am shy.
78. I love coffee.
79. I don't like sushi.
80. I don't blush very easily.
81. I hate to go to the zoo. I'm not a big animal-fan.
82. I like photography.
83. My hair hadn't been its natural color in years. 'Til just recently.
84. I don't have a favorite cereal.
85. I'm a big wuss when it comes to needles. Except when tattoos are involved.
86. I have fired a gun.
87. I’m overly obsessed with Helgon.
88. I like taking long showers.
89. My feet are the first part of my body to get cold.
90. I don’t fall out of love easily. Not at all, as a matter of fact.
91. I love watching sports.
92. I wish I had more money to spend on bodyart.
93. I don’t understand men. I don’t think I ever will.
94. I don't dislike any number.
95. I am scared of the dark. Not what's in there, just the concept of darkness. Emptyness.
96. I like boys.
97. I do not get enough sleep but only because I'm dumb and stay up too late.
98. I like to drive at night better than I do in daytime.
99. That must mean I'm weird.
100. I like big butts and I cannot lie.
Damn girl... typ 60% stämmer in på mig :p
Rouaa: Haha... wicked ;P